Meet Dr. Harris
Constantine Harris, MD
Board Certified Urologist
I believe that optimal healthcare outcomes rest on a foundation of shared decision making and mutual respect between the patient and their provider. It is my priority from the beginning of every interaction that you feel seen and heard, and it is of the utmost importance to me that you and I end every appointment with a complete understanding of where we are now and where we plan to be tomorrow.
Provider Locations
Resources from Dr. Harris
PSA, Prostate Cancer Screening
Blood in the urine
BPH, Enlarged Prostate
Kidney cancer, localized
Kidney cysts
Prostate Cancer
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer, advanced
Stoma Care
Urothelial Carcinoma of the Upper Tract
Kidney stones
Testicular cancer
Penile cancer
Adrenal Mass
Cancer basics
BPH, Enlarged Prostate
Scrotal conditions
Overactive bladder
Vasectomy Reversal (Vasovasotomy or Vasoepididymostomy)
Recurrent UTIs
Low testosterone
Erectile dysfunction
Incontinence, male
General information
(Early Stage Prostate Cancer) Cáncer de próstata estadio temprano
(Prostatectomy) Prostatectomía: Lo que debe saber
(Advanced Prostate Cancer) Cáncer de próstata avanzado
(BPH) Hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) Tratamiento
(Female Urology) Urología femenina
(Urinary Incontinence in Children) Incontinencia urinaria en niños: Lo que deben saber los padres
(Kidney Cancer Treatment) Cáncer de riñón: Tratamiento
(UTI's in Children) Las ITU en los niños
(Hematuria) Sangre in la orina
(UTI) Infecciones del tramo urinario
(Introduction to Urology) Introducción a la urología
(Premature Ejaculation) Eyaculación precoz
(Pediatric Urology) Urología pediátrica
(ED) Disfunción eréctil
(Relaxation of Pelvic Floor Muscles) Relajación de los músculos del piso pélvico
(Kidney Stones) Cálculos Renales
(Testicular Cancer) Cáncer testicular
(Peyronie's Disease) Peyronie
(Bladder Cancer) Cáncer de Vejiga